Frequently Asked Question

How do I screenshot something on my screen?
Last Updated 7 months ago

A PC has several ways to take screenshots. For many of them, the first thing we need to understand is the clipboard. Every computer has one, no matter if it is Mac, PC, or any other operating system. When you copy something using the Ctrl + c or the copy command in any menu that information, it is stored on the clipboard. It might be a bunch of text, but in these examples that information is a picture of our screenshot. It is stored there until you Ctrl + v and paste it somewhere.

  • The first and maybe the quickest way that you can take a screenshot, is with the Print Screen Button(Prt Scrn). It is located at the top row on your keyboard, above or by the backspace button. Not all keyboards have it, but if yours does then you can hit this button and instantly capture everything that is currently on your screen.
  • There is a variant to this where you can hold down the alt button before hitting print screen: alt + print screen. This will capture only the ACTIVE WINDOW, this means just the window you are currently working in, and save it to the clipboard. Again, nothing will happen with it unless you paste it somewhere.

    - BEST USE
  • But what if you only need a small portion of your screen captured? Well this last step is how I do 99% of my screenshots. It allows you to grab nearly the whole screen or just parts of it. Press the Windows key+shift+s and the whole screen will go grey and your mouse cursor will turn into a cross. This will allow you to draw a box around the exact part of the screen that you wish to put into your screen shot.
    You can also hit your Windows key, and type "snipping tool" From here you can draw your box around what you want to capture. It will show you a copy of what you captured and allow you to modify it with lines or erase parts of it and then save a copy as you see fit.
    As soon as you draw the box and release the mouse then the contents of the box are copied into the clipboard. From here you can go into your email or document and simply paste the much smaller image and be on your way.

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